Watersheds + Airsheds
We are interested in using microbiological approaches to tease out connections between watershed land use management decisions and the microbial ecology of water and air. Our lab works to better understand the interactions between watersheds and airsheds on the local, regional, and global scale. While watershed-level science provides key baseline data and guidance for local and regional policymakers, it is inextricably linked to atmospheric processes operating on much larger scales. Land use decisions and other resource management efforts at the watershed level can influence and be influenced by decisions made in other watersheds regionally and globally.
Relevant Research Activities:
Attendance at MILAF I and II conferences (NSF RAINS group)
Presentation at the Cary Institute (Nov. 2016)
Marco Spodek (EUS 2017) Senior Project: Nitrate Loading in the Saw Kill Watershed: small watershed nutrient dynamics, answering a community question, and assessing methodological approaches
Beckett Lansbury (BIO 2016), Hudson River Foundation Polgar Fellowship (2015), Senior Project: Influence of a Waterway on the Microbial Colonization of Riparian Vegtation